Walmart hates CGM, that may not be completely accurate, but with this kind of CGM, it may go that direction. Walmart Watch is running an anti-campaign where they are asking their users to remix the latest Wallmart We Are Not Evil feel good commercials. It also points people to BubblyPLY -- a site where anyone with little to no editing experience can create their own overlays on existing videos -- and asking them to make their own versions of the Walmart spin. This kind of corporate activism is what companies will now be faced with as the tools of creativity become commonplace and easier to use/navigate through. In many ways, it should be par for the course that if you work in a large company, you should expect some will love you and communicate through the social networks and some will not and also will communicate via the very same networks. Business in the modern age. I wonder if Walmart has a CGM manager like Toyota, if not, time to start hiring.
Link Via KD Paines