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Just referenced this in a recent OTGLU post, but the more I watch, the more I like. LichtFaktor kicks ass.
And he HURTS! And does drugs.
Who knew about the SOTL Musical playing know on the ytubes. This one is a lil' more PC than the other one.
Pure uncut awesome.
You need Once In A Lifetime.
This is what my parties have been missing. Not anymore!
No, I am not talking about the middle east. Just about this relaxing, artistic, chill-out video from happyblox that I happen to dig quite a bit. Too bad I stopped doing that thing I used to do years ago. Still, I want this as my screensaver.
Sorry mi gente.
Our DNS thingie screwed up our design which made us really hard to read. Well it is fixed so read on!
My birthday is only 10 months away!