Adrants reported today on Tania Derveaux, the Belgian NEE party candidate who has promised 40,000 jobs of the oral nature in exchange for support. In addition to that getting a fair amount of attention across the 'net, it interestingly also utilizes another piece of viral/kind of SFW porn that was floating around for a spell. I like the idea of re-branding existing various video. It can give new life and put your own CGM spin on them when relevant.
They seemed to have re-branded a piece of Asian educational video with a woman seeming to give instruction on performing said act. When you sign up to support Tania (who has also appeared nude to help her campaign), you get the following link as a response (yes, we did it all in the name of research, our code of ethics would never let us accept gifts in exchange for support):
LINK: The Thank You Gift