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    May 18, 2007


    Howard Webster

    Howard Webster - creator of here.

    Thanks for the comments - both and good and bad. All debate is welcome.

    The online response in regard to our position on cgm has been superb. Most of all the fans - who after all are the ones who count and it they not you or I who are concerned by the 'I'M LOVIN' IT'isation (yes I made that up) of CGM.

    Creatively - well that's a matte of opinion - there are now thousands of posts for TMWOJM on line - and we are getting mash ups in.

    And what is wrong with offending talented art directors....they aren't prom queens whom you've just told them their dress and date sucks a half an hour before the prom starts. If they are cool - they will enjoy the debate and enter it creatively and mix and mash and present their work. Ad agencies and maedia agencies are changing and evolving into new forms. They compete in this area of CGM - I believe they won't exist in their current form in 10 years. The talented art directors will have to move with the times or move on.

    The posts have been superb about Jonas Moore - and they love the virals. If you don't believeme then - Check out...

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