So, you know that really cool movie, 300, that you saw that really cool trailer for on the web? Remember you sent your friend that trailer and then a DIFFERENT friend send you a link to some more really cool footage? And remember that blog you read about it, so you went and checked out the official website and looked for clips on YouTube?
Well it turns out that all that internet hype was for real.
The article goes on to mention that its sort of the opposite of the overstated "snakes on a plane" where the hype was the hype. Apparently, this is the first movie where more people were influenced by what they saw/read on the web than they were by the big box in their living room.
It seems to me that 300's marketing didnt focus on the internets any more than than most movies of similar ilk but this just may be a milestone that marks a bigger change in how the studios market their movies. (Snakes on a Plane was supposed to be that milestone.)
It wont be long before studios are holding contests to spoof movies that they havent even released yet. Oh, and theres this...